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Gettting the Most Out of the App

HubSpot Economic


Getting started

Getting started

Setting up the HubSpot to e-conomic Integration

Now that you've installed the app and connected your accounts, it's time to configure how information flows between HubSpot and e-conomic. The quick install already covered the essential settings. With this guide you will be able to further customize your app, if needed.

To find the settings page:

Find the Marketplace icon (top of the page) -> Click on "Connected apps"

Click on the e-conomic app

Select "Go to settings"

Click on "Sync settings"

And you have arrived

The setup process is divided into three main areas:

1. Customer Settings

2. Product Settings

3. Invoice/Order Settings

Each of these areas plays a crucial role in determining how your data is synchronized and how your business processes are automated. Let's start by looking at the Customer Settings.