Salesforce e-conomic


Connect Salesforce to Visma e-conomic

Connect Salesforce to Visma e-conomic

How to Connect Salesforce to Visma e-conomic

Note: We recommend you log in to your e-conomic account before starting the steps below.

i) Click on "App Launcher" and search for Visma e-conomic. Click on the app.

ii) A new screen will appear. If you have a token, you can input it in the blank space and click Connect. You will receive a successful message.

iii) Otherwise, you have to generate a new token by clicking on the “Generate”.

  • When you click the “Generate” option, a new window will open. Click “Add App” to receive a new token. This will be applicable if you have already logged into your e-conomic account; otherwise, you have to login in e-conomic through your credentials.

  • Copy the token and go to the screen where the token input screen is there. Paste the token and click "Connect".

  • You will receive a successful message.