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Product Rules
Setting up Product Sync Preferences
Product Sync Rules
Here, you can define your preferences based on which product sync is performed between Shopify and Fortnox.
Product Search
You have two choices when performing product sync in Fortnox:
1. Choose which product fields can be used to perform a search during invoice creation in Fortnox.

2. Create custom mapping for syncing product information. Here, you can map products between Fortnox and Shopify on a one-to-many basis. If you have an existing product list, you can select the second option to perform custom mapping.

Product Not Found
If you select Don’t generate invoice, no invoice will be generated.
If you select Use a pre-chosen product, you can select an existing product to be used for invoice generation.
If you select Create a new product, a new product will be created based on the product field mapping and added to the invoice.
Product Field Mappings
Define the field mappings from Shopify to Fortnox for invoice creation. The selected fields will be mapped. Some fields are mapped by default.
Note: You can perform field mapping for products only if you have selected Create new product as the option for the product not found.